Helping Communities
Communities that are more welcoming and vibrant have a competitive advantage in attracting tourists, in stimulating economic development, and creating a thriving place for people to work and live. Success starts with colorful plants and trees, clean and healthy environments, community vitality, and help from America in Bloom.
Get started on your America in Bloom journey and keep up to date. Sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter to discover cool ideas, programs, grant opportunities, and success stories from communities and organizations across the country, and hear from professional America in Bloom Advisors.
In your heart, you know your community can be better. But what can, should be done? Get inspired by the success others have with America in Bloom.
Unlock access to online resources, instructional videos, webinars, and more to help your community flourish. It’s all at your fingertips when you sign up.
Scroll down to learn more about how to get involved in AIB programs. See a list of communities involved in America in Bloom programs.
Discover How to Make Your Community More Beautiful and Vibrant
Choose the Program That’s Right for You
Level 1
Activate your community is the first step to transformative change. Register for the America in Bloom mini Self-Assessment tool designed to help volunteers, organizations, and municipal leaders to get a sneak peak at how their community is doing along with helping to identify community strengths and weaknesses.
This quick Self-Assessment tool will help your community activate its path to transformative change. It’s the right place to start and to mobilize action. Once completed, your community is encouraged to Level Up to Level 2 or 3 for access to America in Bloom Advisors and to qualify for our awards program.
Level 2
Level up and build your local program even more. Dive deeper in the America in Bloom program by going through the full and robust Self-Assessment program. More metrics, more ideas, more inspiration. Plus, with Level 2 you are connected with a specially-trained America in Bloom Advisor for a one-hour consultative session. It’s a smart way to help you get the most from your Self-Assessment, and to gain community-building confidence.
Once you see your community through the America in Bloom lens, you’ll know what is working and what needs to be done.
Engaging an America in Bloom Advisor will help you gain confidence to identify actions that will make a difference.
Level 3
Level up! Let’s celebrate your community! Level 3 is our highest level of participation. For in-person coaching by a team of specially-trained America in Bloom Advisors, a detailed community evaluation that offers comprehensive recommendations for community transformation, eligibility for celebrated national recognition, and to receive distinguished awards for fully adopting and succeeding with the America in Bloom program.
Having two Advisors tour your community and prepare a detailed America in Bloom report is exceptionally valuable information that helps to identify successes and recommended next steps to help your community bloom.
See how communities are inspired and transformed by participating in our programs.
The Logan (Ohio) In Bloom Committee reached out to our local High School Music Department to create a video that highlighted Logan In Bloom. Working with a local videographer, the students created their own version of a professional in-studio recording of the “Garden Song” which fit perfectly with the efforts being made for downtown Logan. They ...
“Beautification is important because it says that someone cares. Plants and trees soften public spaces and give pleasure to people who crave a connection with nature in their lives. The appeal of a clean city with flowers and trees that are cared for also attracts tourists and businesses.”
“AIB provided the cohesive framework to draw all the volunteer, civic and governmental organizations into the same room to better coordinate the beautification efforts.”
Learn how one Kentucky Community embraced change and saw transformation occur.
Ironton, Ohio embraced America in Bloom principles and ideas to generate programs that provide the motivation and energy to plant pride in their community.
Morro Bay is along the Central Coast of California. Their In Bloom efforts are a story of cooperation and celebration.
Belpre, Ohio, has always claimed the name “Beautiful Prairie;” however, it’s only lately they reclaimed the spirit of their name.
Brewton, Alabama demonstrates that when it comes to making the America in Bloom program work for a community, “taking care of business” the AIB way provides opportunities for businesses to take care of you.
Wow! is the only word to describe the public/community art program in Ottawa, Illinois.
Meet the Castle Rock "Water Wizards of Fertilizer Friday" fame.
The resource library provides guidance about the value of community beautification, heritage preservation, environmental awareness, and volunteer involvement. Explore articles, innovative best ideas developed by America in Bloom communities, engaging videos, and more.
America in Bloom is an all-volunteer effort at both the local and national levels, including our Board of Directors, professional Advisors, and committee members. A passion for more beautiful, self-sustaining, and livable communities drives our volunteer involvement.
As a non-profit, contributions and sponsorships provide critical financial support to our mission.