Door Hanger Project Recognizes Beautification Efforts

Published On: October 30, 2023

Door Hanger Project Recognizes Beautification Efforts
Coshocton, Ohio

We wanted a project designed to include the entire community from commercial to industrial businesses, retail, government, non-profit, residential, and everyone in between. We wanted a way to recognize entities that made an effort to beautify their properties, thus the “Door Hanger” project was born.

In 2015, Coshocton in Bloom (CIB) launched our annual recognition campaign called the “Door Hanger” award program. From late April through September, CIB encourages all community members to nominate public, private, residential, business, government, and commercial properties that should be recognized for their “Planting Pride in Coshocton” efforts.

At every city council meeting the names and addresses of the recognized properties are announced and given to their corresponding city council representative. The council member signs and delivers the door hanger by attaching it to the recipient’s front doorknob.

At the end of the season, the recognized property owners are sent an invitation to the County Fair and two free tickets to attend the ceremony. Each property owner is called to stage, thanked for their efforts, and receives a certificate. Photos and names are published in the community paper and on the CIB Facebook page. This program has become a great success and we are so pleased that it grows each year.