QR Code Bloom Hunt
QR Code Bloom Hunt
Castle Rock, Washington’s annual “Rock Around The Block” Blooms Hunt has traditionally been a printed booklet that residents and visitors would pick up at local businesses and the Visitor Center and walk about town finding the 12 plants pictured in the booklet. In 2023, Blooms Volunteer John Tanner mixed it up a bit by creating a website for Castle Rock Blooms accessible through the QR codes he created for the Blooms Hunt. John then printed, laminated, and attached QR codes to sign-holders that were displayed throughout town in the planters and baskets. The link these codes take you to is https://www.castlerockblooms.com/general-1
John has also begun to add a Riverfront Trail Walk with highlights of gardens and Historical information along the way.
QR Codes are also available on the signs of the Proven Winners Color Choice Shrubs that are in the PW Signature Garden at the Visitor Information Center.
The next project to include QR Codes will be the upgraded Historical Interpretive Signs on the Riverfront Trail, now in production.