Repurposing a Deserted Property

Published On: October 24, 2024

Eustis, Florida is one of several towns in Lake County dating to the 1870s, a post-Civil War era when settlers moved southward from other states into the Florida frontier. Eustis is named after Colonel Abraham Eustis who served in the U.S. Army in Florida during the early nineteenth century. Settlement at Eustis began in late 1875, with the arrival of several homesteaders.

In the late 1800’s, downtown Eustis was starting to boom. One adventurous businessman, Ray Ferran, built a hardware and furniture store at the corner of Magnolia Street and Bay Street, the center of the area’s business district. 

Around 1925, the furniture store closed, and the building became a drug store with a soda fountain and a small kitchen where they served breakfast, lunch, ice cream; and, of course, provided the area with their pharmaceutical needs. In 1962, the drug store became the property of George Warren, and the business was named Bay Street Pharmacy. Unfortunately, on August 13, 1979, fire broke out on the 2nd floor, burning it down to the ground. If it hadn’t been for the fire wall, the fire would have spread down the entire block. Only the fire wall remained. Bay Pharmacy moved across the street to a vacant building and is still there to this day.

Many years later, in 2010, the City of Eustis started a project called “Street Scape”, a plan that was aimed at revitalizing the downtown area. The vacant lot was cleaned out except for the brick fire wall. A landscape berm as constructed against the brick wall with flowering plants and trees. A seat wall was constructed along Bay Street. Brick pavers were laid with a grassy area in the middle, and park benches were installed. Sidewalks were constructed around the lot and planters were added along the walk. The park is a wildlife habitat along with a bat house residing on the fire wall. A full-grown palm tree was planted as a centerpiece in what is now called Pocket Park. People stroll through downtown Eustis and many stop to rest under this palm tree before they continue on to Ferran Park, visit the local businesses, sit down to a nice meal at one of the many eateries; and, of course, stop into the new Bay Pharmacy to shop for local souvenirs or pick up their prescription medications.