Brian Sullivan

Lemont, IL

Brian is recently retired (as of January, 1, 2025) from an amazing 37 years in Parks, Recreation, and Environmental Stewardship.  Brian assisted with an exceptional professional team suggesting park and recreation policy, drafting grants, increasing the Village of Hawthorn Woods, Illinois’ tree canopy, community leisure programming and special events as well as instituting ADA compliance measures. He served as past Chairman on the Board of Directors of the Special Recreation Association of Central Lake County, serves on the Illinois Association of Park Districts Municipal Task Force (IAPD), Illinois Afterschool Network (IAN), and the Illinois Monarch Project Community Engagement Committee. He was the recipient of the 2010 Illinois Parks and Rec Recreation Association (IPRA) Professional of the Year Recognition Award and Recognition for Extraordinary Service in 2019 from the Illinois Ethnic Minority Section. He has been a featured guest speaker and workshop presenter for the National Parks and Recreation Association (NRPA), National Kidney Foundation (NKF), Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD), Illinois Parks and Recreation Association (IPRA, and various NPO’s, civic, and faith-based organizations. He holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Roosevelt University. He has a B.A. from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois where he was a recipient of the Tom Dean Award and a 2013 inductee into the Athletic Hall of Fame. He holds Certifications as a Playground Safety Inspector, Certified Parks and Recreation Executive (CPRE), and Certified Pesticide Operator. Brian is blessed to be married for over 35 years (yes to the same woman), with two children, both happily married, one granddaughter (Brooklyn), and two grand dogs. “It is of vital importance that we protect and promote local plants, trees and animal life. Don’t wait for the other guy to do something, be the other guy and take action!”