Melanie Riggs
Melanie Riggs resides in New Rochelle, New York. Melanie is a Landscape Designer who has had her own Landscape Design business for over thirty years. She is the principal and designer of her firm that specializes in residential designs and garden installations. She designs spaces with a focus on transforming properties through the combinations of plants producing warm welcoming and attractive places to spend time in. She designs landscapes that are sensitive to ecological and environmental concerns. She has lectured widely at area Garden Clubs and for the New York Botanical Garden where she also has served as an instructor. She has led multiple local area and overseas garden tours. Melanie began her career as a horticulturist for the Wildcliff Museum Greenhouses where she worked as a grower and the greenhouse Exhibitions and Plant Collections Director. Melanie graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in Plant and Soil Science and Botany. She studied Landscape Design and has done graduate coursework in Botany. Her passion for plants and gardens compliments her passion for travel. Melanie has traveled extensively throughout Europe, South and Central America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and North America.