Create a Green Team
Create an “Environmental or Sustainability Advisory Board” or “Green Team” which allows a dedicated group to focus on environmental initiatives including recycling, pet waste policies, stormwater management, use of alternative fuel vehicles, litter control, energy and resource conservation, plastic bag collection, and hazardous waste and electronics collection.
The group can research initiatives and advise municipal leaders, staff, and other boards on policies to implement and promote public outreach. They may also work to implement a Sustainability Action Plan which covers many environmental topics. Municipalities often include the group as an advisory board alongside boards such as Park and Recreation and Zoning. In some cases, college or high school Green Teams are formed and provide input to their administrations and fellow students.
Some communities with environmental boards:
https://bouldercolorado.gov/boards-commissions/environmental-advisory-board http://www.brentwoodtn.gov/your-government/volunteer-boards- commissions/environmental-advisory-board
https://gyr.fortlauderdale.gov/greener-government/green-your-routine/sustainability- advisory-board
https://cityofwinterpark.org/departments/building-permitting-services/sustainability- program/keep-winter-park-beautiful-sustainable/