Develop a Yard Waste Composting Program

A program for the composting of yard waste will extend the life of landfills, reduce air pollution due to burning, and create a resource for gardeners, the landscape industry, and municipal grounds staff.

Yard waste drop off locations can be used by residents and the landscape industry. If waste haulers are already in place, then curbside pickup using toters/wheeled carts, paper yard waste bags or bulk pickup can be added as a service. If a toter for pickup is used attach a label illustrating what is allowed in the toter. Many communities also allow tied bundles of branches at a four-foot length to be picked up curbside.

Composted materials must be regularly tested prior to making the material available to end- users. The U.S. Composting Council has a Seal of Testing Assurance program designed to provide compost testing, labeling, and information disclosure to consumers. It is a good source of information: This link for one company leads to a request for analysis form and information on how to take a sample to submit:
